from Gary and Brenda Scott - Catechism Co-Ordinators
We first thank God for the incredible week we enjoyed with 20 amazing and beautiful children at Our Lady of Hope Day Camp. We were so blessed to spend time with these remarkable children. The wind up on Friday capped off a week of prayer, song, videos, games, food, talent shows and praise and worship. The children experienced our church in an engaging and inviting way! We learned about young King David - the shepherd, the Psalm writer, the giant-slayer! We had spirited games and competitions, with much love and care for one another.
We want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the success:
Our three grandchildren from Holy Cross Parish who provided the music and leadership for the week,
the parishioners at Our Lady of Hope who generously assisted with lunch preparation, and contributions towards the snacks and food,
and the parents and grandparents of the children who brought them out every day to celebrate God and church together!
February 16 and 18, 2024
Archbishop Albert LeGatt visited our parish on Friday, February 16, 2024 to to bring encouragement and hope to those involved in pastoral work and all the people of the parish. In the afternoon he met with the groups responsible for the material and spiritual needs of the parish, members of our Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee. In the evening the Archbishop enjoyed fellowship with parishioners during a lovely potluck dinner. Following dinner, everyone was invited to join in a time of song and celebration in the church. The Spirit was moving as the children danced and Father Michael displayed his musical talents on the drums! We ended the eveing with dessert and sharing of leftovers.
On Sunday, February 18, 2024, Archbishop LeGatt celebrated the Eucharist, proclaimed the Word of God and shared his message of encouragement with the entire parish community.
We thank Archbishop LeGatt for his pastoral visit as well as all the parishioners who participated in the events.